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"We were to form an organization that might find a great field of work in being of mutual assistance to each other in future business life"

-Howard M. Jefferson, November 23, 1904

Alpha Kappa Psi is the oldest and largest co-ed business fraternity in the United States. In 1900, New York University began offering degrees in the fields of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance. Prior to NYU's announcement, only three other universities had schools for business. Therefore, the announcement of such a degree was met with much doubt. The need for student loyalty was essential in the success of this business school and was, in part, the reason Alpha Kappa Psi was formed.

The entering class of 1900 included four very special men from Brooklyn: Mr. Howard M. Jefferson, Mr. Frederick R. Leach, Mr. Nathan Lane Jr., and Mr. George L. Bergen. They developed such a strong spirit of brotherhood that they decided to invite more students to join this group of elite leaders. Six more men were recruited, and the first official meeting was held on October 5, 1904. The meeting consisted of the Brooklyn Four, Mr. Irving L. Camp, Mr. Robert S. Douglas, Mr. Daniel V. Duff, Mr. Morris S. Rachmil, Mr. William O. Tremaine, and Mr. Herbert M. Wright.

On March 20, 1905, the Ten Founding Fathers applied to the State of New York to grant a charter to their organization, Alpha Kappa Psi. The application was approved exactly two months later. Thus began the tradition of enhancing the education of thousands of business students nationwide.


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